The prospect of a slowdown in China’s economy should have a negative impact of 0.3 percentage points over the Brazilian GDP between 2015 and 2016, according to a study of MCM Consultores, a Brazilian consultancy. According to the report, given the importance acquired by China in global demand, this process has immediate consequences for large … Continue reading
Hydroelectric power is the main source of energy in Brazil to date, but with the recent draughts still affecting the country, it has been necessary to look at other sources. By 2040, Brazil is expected to attract US$ 300 billion in investments for electricity generation – most of it (70%) will go to solar and … Continue reading
Why is everything so expensive in Brazil? I’m Brazilian and lived there most of my life and back then I quite never understood why until I came across this article by the Economist and it all make sense: high taxation combined with a lack of competitiveness. The Brazilian Real has been in a free-fall for … Continue reading
Digital wallets: it seems that mature economies are starting the ditch the cold hard cash with Google Wallets and in the most recent months Apple Pay. But, what is happening in emerging economies like Brazil? The digital wallet concept is giving its first steps, however there is definitely a demand for it as Brazil achieved … Continue reading
To me, the very concept of being a Facebook fan of a bank is rather strange. Here and in Brazil too, they are seen as evil money making machines – so, how Itau achieved such a high number of fans? Their social media journey started around 5/6 years ago – and Itau seemed to have … Continue reading