central banks

This tag is associated with 576 posts

How A Collapse In South America Could Trigger Martial Law In The U.S.

By Brandon Smith If an economic system collapses in the woods and no one is paying attention, are there any consequences outside the woods? Well, yes, of course. As with most situations financial and global, however, consequences are not usually taken very seriously until they have spawned a vast bog of sewage we all have to then … Continue reading

Proving Yet Again That Global Weakness Starts In The U.S.

By Jeffrey P. Snider, Alhambra Investment Partners When commenting on any weakness in the US economy, it has become common even shorthand for any outlet or author to affix the conventional explanation. Suspiciously low growth rates and far too many outright contractions, especially in manufacturing and industry, are blamed on overseas weakness and the dollar as … Continue reading

Welcome To The War On Cash: ECB Ends Production, Issuance Of €500 Banknote

The European Central Bank is to phase out the €500 (ÂŁ400) note, nicknamed the “Bin Laden” because of its association with money-laundering and terror financing – and because while many people know what it looks like, few have ever seen one. The ECB announced on Wednesday that the fuchsia-coloured bills, the highest denomination of the … Continue reading

Turkey’s New Central Bank Governor Must Walk Political Minefield

By Iain MacGillivray Turkey’s former Central Bank Governor Erdem Başçi has bowed out from his position after five years in the job, leaving behind an interesting financial legacy amid growing political pressure from the ruling government. While Başçi managed to keep the Palace at bay and interference minimal, the appointment of his successor Murat Çetinkaya, a … Continue reading

A Few Facts About Gold That Nay-Sayers Conveniently Ignore

By Phoenix Capital Research We continue to see articles by so called “experts” trashing Gold and Silver as investments. Gold is everything from a “Pet Rock” to a “Dumb Investment” or “Barbarous Relic.” Do these people even bother doing research? Or are they just stock shills? First and foremost, you cannot compare Gold’s performance relative to … Continue reading

Are Central Banks Running The Oil Market Or Just The World?

By David Haggith, The Great Recession Blog The question begs for conspiracy theories to satisfy it, but one might more aptly say that central banks beg for conspiracy theories to explain them, since they operate in the shadows while being given charge of all the financial systems of all the world’s greatest economies. Central bankers have the unchaperoned power … Continue reading

The Race To The Bottom Will Reignite Gold

By Jason Simpkins Six of the world’s central banks (Europe, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, and Hungary) representing 29 countries have taken interest rates negative. They range from -0.05% in Hungary to -1.25% basis points in Sweden. As a result, other countries, plagued by the same low commodities prices and a soft global economy, are now … Continue reading

China’s “Very Aggressive Program Of Gold Buying” In Motion Right Now – Frank Holmes

By Mike Gleason, Money Metals Exchange Mike Gleason: This is Mike Gleason with Money Metals Exchange. We are fortunate today to be joined by Frank Holmes, CEO and Chief Investment Officer at U.S. Global Investors. In 2006 Mr. Holmes was named Mining Fund Manager Of The Year by the Mining Journal. He is the co-author of … Continue reading

U.S. Treasuries Will Sink Into A Black Hole – Egon Von Greyerz

By Egon Von Greyerz, GoldSwitzerland Investors around the world are blissfully ignorant of what will hit them in coming months and years. Virtually no one understands the risks in the world and less than ½% of investors have protected themselves against the destruction of their financial assets. It is of course wonderful to live in Shangri-La … Continue reading

16 Events That Have Put Venezuela On The Brink Of Collapse

By Pedro GarcĂ­a Otero, PanAm Post Following the publication of Sabrina Martin’s article in Panampost, “Looting on the Rise as Venezuela Runs Out of Food, Electricity,” several readers have been asking how Venezuela — a country that in the 60s and 70s was regarded as a future Australia — got so bad. Hundreds of reasons help to answer this question, especially in … Continue reading

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