
This tag is associated with 49 posts

Inside The Chinese Meltdown Rocking Wall Street

By Bob Hennelly, WhoWhatWhy I. The Year of the Red Monkey, also known as the Fire Monkey, starts next month in China. According to Chinese astrologers, the year will be a real rollercoaster ride, filled with surprise and mischief. And, they say, it bodes well for individual initiative, as opposed to collective effort. Will these predictions … Continue reading

Downgrade Points To Continued Brazil Underperformance

By Marc Chandler, Marc to Market Blog (from my colleague Dr. Win Thin) Fitch’s downgrade on Wednesday is a stark reminder that Brazil continues to suffer from a toxic mix of high inflation, recession, low commodity prices, and heightened political uncertainty.  Because we see no end in sight for these negative factors, we believe Brazil assets will … Continue reading

Chart: The World’s “Hot” Money

OVER $7.8 TRILLION OF ILLICIT MONEY HAS FLOWED OUT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN LAST DECADE By Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist Every year, roughly $1 trillion flows illegally out of developing and emerging economies due to crime, corruption, and tax evasion. This amount is more than these countries receive in foreign direct investment and foreign aid combined. Last week, … Continue reading

Brazil’s Government Creates 46 New Tax Rules EVERY DAY

By Simon Black One of the truest aphorisms in the world of investing is that Brazil is the country with the MOST potential… and always will be. There are few other countries on the planet blessed with such an abundance of resources—fertile land, plenty of water, a huge population, incalculable mineral and natural resource wealth, etc. … Continue reading

Brazilian ETFs See Inflows After Impeachment Talks

By James Eugene Brazilian-focused exchange traded funds (ETFs) have recorded relatively large amounts of inflows after talks of Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment advanced.   According to data compiled by Bloomberg, the iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF enjoyed inflows of just over $94 million so far this month, approximately 4.7% of its market capitalisation. The iShares Ibovespa, … Continue reading

Argentina: The Battle For Presidency

By Nil Nikandrov The Argentine presidential election on Oct. 25 did not answer the question of who will lead the country for the next four years. The vote tally eliminated only one of the three main candidates – Sergio Massa, the ambitious leader of the centrist Frente Renovador («Renewal Front») and former head of the cabinet … Continue reading

The Perfect Storm: Brazil’s Triple Crisis

By François Houtart The global economic crisis hitting Brazil has serious political consequences. Cuts in social programs and infrastructure are on the agenda. Privatization of education is under way. States which were in the past showcases for the Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores – PT), such as Rio Grande do Sul (now governed by the Brazilian … Continue reading

Nigeria’s Crude Troubles Leave Oil Investors Weary

By Jose Luengo-Cabrera With the formation of the Nigerian government still underway, uncertainty over reforms in the oil industry and macroeconomic mismanagement are making investors increasingly weary amid significant capital outflows and falling levels of FDI. More than four months after his inauguration in late May 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari finally submitted his list of … Continue reading

Xi’s Initiatives: Reshaping China’s Global Image

By Shah Rukh Hashmi The 66th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China witnessed multi-dimensional initiatives on domestic, regional and global levels. These include a war against corruption primarily in mainland China, the revival of the ancient Silk route in the 21st century i.e. One Belt One Road (OBOR), the (AIIB) and a most recent overwhelming contribution … Continue reading

The End Appears Near For Brazil’s Rousseff

By María Teresa Romero Until very recently, most Brazilians may not have thought that the massive protests, corruption scandals, and economic crisis would lead to an early exit from President Dilma Rousseff. However, the events of the last few weeks suggest it is a growing possibility. Both she and former President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, … Continue reading

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