
This tag is associated with 36 posts

Will Corruption Undermine Growth In Mexico?

By Dr. Daniel Friedheim Businesses report that Mexico’s level of money laundering, bribery, and conflicts of interest is higher than Brazil’s. Mexico ranks only 103rd of 174 countries on fighting corruption, according to Transparency International, better than Russia but worse than Brazil, India, and China. So it is easy to imagine how a corruption mega-scandal … Continue reading

Fiscal Impact Of Lower Oil Prices On Latin America And The Caribbean

The plunge in world oil prices—from $105 to about $50 per barrel since mid-2014—has been a boon for oil-importing countries, while presenting challenges for oil exporters. By Robert Rennhack and Fabián Valencia In general, oil importers will enjoy faster growth, lower inflation, and stronger external positions, and most will not encounter any significant fiscal pressures. … Continue reading

Nicaragua Canal To Strengthen BRICS, Undermine U.S.

The Nicaragua Canal project undermines the US influence in Latin America and its control over the transoceanic routes, facilitating strengthening the role of BRICS, notably China and Russia in the region. . By Ekaterina Blinova, Sputnik News The Nicaragua Canal project has sparked controversy in the West, that fears the new interoceanic route will undermine the US’ … Continue reading

The Steps For Venezuela To Become An Emerging Energy Giant

How can Venezuela use its vast oil reserves to enhance its economic security and become a major player in global energy markets? Samir Tata thinks that Caracas should start by forming strategic partnerships with energy-hungry states like China, Germany and India. By Samir Tata With time and investment, Venezuela could become a major player in … Continue reading

BRICs Q&A With Jim O’Neill

The grouping of emerging markets known as the ‘BRICs’ — which comprises of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — helped to drive the global economy following the 2008 financial crisis, however the dynamics among these nations are changing, as economic growth from long time powerhouse China continues to slow and perennial laggard India is building momentum under its new government. … Continue reading

The Illusion Of Monetary Policy Independence Under Flexible Exchange Rates

By Sebastian Edwards Via VoxEU The conventional ‘trilemma’ view is that countries that allow free capital flows can still pursue independent monetary policies as long as they allow flexible exchange rates. This column examines the pass-through of Federal Reserve interest rates to policy rates in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. The author concludes that, to the extent … Continue reading

Latin America’s Only Hope For Free Trade

By José Niño In a little under three months, the Pacific Alliance is set to celebrate its four-year anniversary. Founded on April 28, 2011, the Pacific Alliance is a trade bloc whose main is goal is to promote greater integration among its members through free trade. Comprised of countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Chile, the Pacific … Continue reading

What Does A Slowdown In China Mean For Latin America?

By The World Bank Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has become increasingly dependent on activity in China, partly as a result of heavy reliance on commodity exports. A 1 percentage point deceleration of growth in China has been associated with a 0.6 percentage point slowing of growth in the LAC region. Growth … Continue reading

Lead From Behind: How Unipolarity Is Adapting To Multipolarity – OpEd

The U.S. is constructing a global system of bilateral and multilateral alliances to assist it in more efficiently projecting power throughout the 21st century. As the world moves towards multipolarity, the U.S. is prepared to exploit this trend to its geopolitical advantage. . By Sputnik News, Andrew Korybko Instead of ‘going it alone’ as Bush was prone … Continue reading

Keiser Report: Mexico

Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. In this episode of the Keiser Report from Mexico City, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Aristotle trending, lands of opportunity and GM hiring. In the second half, Max interviews philosopher and television presenter, Pablo Boullosa, about the state of the … Continue reading

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