Michel Temer

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Brazil’s Credit Rating Cut To Junk Status By Standard & Poor’s

“US rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded Brazil’s credit rating to junk status on Wednesday, pointing to political turmoil in the country and the government’s failure to pull the economy out of recession,” RT reports. According to the news provider: … the rating agency warned about a possible downgrade less than two months ago, the move … Continue reading

Brazil Must Do More To Maintain Its Investment-Grade Rating If It Wants To Attract Foreign Capital, BlackRock Says

“The world’s biggest money manager said Brazil must do all that it takes to maintain its investment-grade credit rating if it wants to remain an attractive destination for foreign capital,” Bloomberg reports. Although BlackRock claims it wants to promote Brazil, most of its clients refuse to allocate towards this destination as the country remains at … Continue reading

Brazil Prepares For Mass Demonstrations On Sunday As Allegations Of Corruption Swamp Rousseff Government

“Brazil President Dilma Rousseff is poised to face another key test as allegations of corruption and incompetence swamp her government, and plummeting commodity prices sap the country’s economy,” Seeking Alpha reports. According to Bloomberg: As allegations of corruption and incompetence swamp Brazil’s government, and plummeting commodity prices sap its economy, hundreds of thousands of angry … Continue reading

Brazil’s Credit Rating Just Above Junk Status After Moody’s Downgrade

Moody’s rating agency, yesterday on August 11th, downgraded Brazil’s government bond rating to Baa3 from Baa2 (only one notch above a non-investment / speculative grade). Also the outlook on the rating has been changed from negative to stable. According to Bloomberg: The company’s decision to assign a stable outlook to Brazil’s rating, now at the lowest level … Continue reading

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