Spratly Islands

This tag is associated with 5 posts

China’s Ongoing Game Of Chess In Southeast Asia

By Eliza King As China continues to expand into a superpower large enough to one day rival the United States, the support and cooperation of Southeast Asian countries is imperative. Since 2000 China’s trade with the 10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member countries rose from $32 billion to $350 billion in 2014, with estimates … Continue reading

Cold Won Ton War: The South China Sea Word War

By Pepe Escobar, Asia Times As Cold War 2.0 between the U.S. and Russia remains far from being defused, the last thing the world needs is a reincarnation of Bushist hawk Donald “known unknowns” Rumsfeld. Instead, the — predictable — “known known” we get is Pentagon supremo Ash Carter. Neocon Ash threw quite a show … Continue reading

Pivot Insanity: Why Is Obama Goading China?

By Mike Whitney US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter is willing to risk a war with China in order to defend  “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. Speaking in Honolulu, Hawaii on Wednesday, Carter issued his “most forceful” warning yet, demanding “an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation” by China in the disputed … Continue reading

U.S. Condemns China’s Reclamation In South China Sea, Urges Regional Agreement On Code Of Conduct

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says that China’s land reclamation in the South China Sea is “out of step with international rules” and that the United States opposes “any further militarization” of the disputed lands. The U.S. is “deeply concerned” about the scale of China’s island building and the prospect of further militarization of theses … Continue reading

China’s Reclamations Roil South China Sea

By James Borton The South China Sea remains at the epicenter of one of the most volatile maritime areas in the world with little or no agreement on sovereignty claims to ownership of atolls, submerged banks, islands, reefs and rocks. Yet South China Sea fishermen, marine biologists and policy shapers agree that without an end to … Continue reading

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