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Maduro Calls On LATam Nations To Create “Shield” To Protect Venezuela From U.S. Aggression

MaduroVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on support from the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the entire Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to help “create a shield” to protect the Latin American nation from possible U.S. aggression, TASS reports.

Maduro’s request for support from Latin American nations came during a meeting on Wednesday with UNASUR’s Secretary General Ernesto Samper, where Maduro shared some information with Sampera, some of which is “classified”, according to the report.

On Tuesday, during a televised broadcast, Maduro accused officials at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas of conspiring to bribe people whom deal closely with the Venezuelan government –  including current and former officials – to conspire against the Bolivarian government, Telesur reported.

During the televised broadcast, Maduro said that Samper had been provided with “proof” that such activities of U.S. diplomatic staff in Venezuela was taking place and that he expressed hope that U.S. President Barack Obama was not aware of these activities, adding that he gave Obama “the benefit of the doubt,” according to Telesur.

Maduro also repeated, during the broadcast, his accusation that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was behind this plot, accusing Biden of commenting to regional leaders that the Venezuelan government would be “overthrown,” the Telesur report added.

Maduro said during the broadcast that President’s across the Latin America region had told him about Biden’s comments directly during a recent CELAC summit in Costa Rica, according to Telesur.


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