Emerging Markets

Visualizing The Emerging Markets Of The Future

By Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist look here

China’s rapid pace of growth is slowing, and no one knows if India can become the next China. So who will lead global economic growth?

Today’s infographic looks at the emerging markets of the future, or to say more confusedly, the “emerging” emerging markets.

The data speaks for itself. By 2050, Nigeria will be the 9th biggest economy in the world when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP). Pakistan will jump to 15th, and countries such as the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Vietnam will make big leaps to help round out the top 25.

The Asia-Pacific region, which currently makes up only 4.8% of the world’s middle-class spending, will balloon to the biggest spender by far in 2030 at 32.6%. For comparison, North America will jump from 5.5% to 5.8% in that same time period.

There is plenty of money to be made as well. Ultra high net worth individuals, defined as people with over $30 million in assets, will soar in these countries in the coming years. For example, in Africa as a whole, the amount of these individuals will grow 59% over the next decade, compared to the average global rate of 34% growth.

Original graphic by: Raconteur

Visualizing the Emerging Markets of the Future

Courtesy of Visual CapitalistRaconteur


One thought on “Visualizing The Emerging Markets Of The Future

  1. Reblogged this on World Peace Forum.


    Posted by daveyone1 | October 6, 2015, 10:31 pm

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