Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

This tag is associated with 10 posts

Egypt’s President Sisi Inaugurates The New Suez Canal As A Way To Defeat Terrorists

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Thursday Egypt would defeat terrorism, as he inaugurated the New Suez Canal project and the first ship passed through the waterway. Egypt during this year stood against the most dangerous terrorist ideology, that would burn the world if it could, Sisi said at a lavish ceremony attended by world … Continue reading

Russia Ready To Build Suez Canal Industrial Zone

Russia is willing to take part in establishing an industrial zone in the New Suez Canal project, Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev told Egypt’s daily Al-Ahram. The 72-kilometer section inaugurated on Thursday in Egypt will provide the fastest Europe-Asia shipping route. Our companies are willing to participate in these economic projects. Creating a Russian industrial zone … Continue reading

Egypt: New Suez Canal To Increase Revenues To $15 Billion By 2023 And Reduce Navigation Time From 22 to 11 Hours

Egypt’s New Suez Canal will open later this year on August 6. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi sees the project as a symbol of national pride and a chance to stimulate an economy, Reuters reports.  The Egyptian army “began work 10 months ago on the $8 billion canal, flanking the existing, historic 145-year-old waterway and part of … Continue reading

Russia And Egypt Conduct Joint Naval Drills In The Mediterranean Sea

Russian and Egyptian warship crews have started naval maneuvers within combined force teams and drilled an “encounter sea battle,” the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Thursday according to Tass. “On June 11, crews of Russian and Egyptian warships involved in the Bridge of Friendship-2015 naval exercise started to fulfill tasks at sea within combined tactical … Continue reading

Egypt’s Plan To Construct New Mega-Capital City May Cost $300 Billion

Egypt’s plans to construct a new massive capital city may cost around $300 billion to complete, according to Reuters, citing the head of the UAE group leading the mega-project. Egypt’s announcement of a plan to create the new mega-city came last week following a major high profile international investment summit, Egypt The Future: Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC), which was … Continue reading

Egypt Unveils Plans To Build Massive New $45 Billion Capital City

Egypt has unveiled an official plan to construct a massive new capital city in a deal which could cost $45 billion. The new capital city, which will be located next to Cairo, will be constructed with funding from Gulf states and will house five million people. The announcement came as Egypt hosted a major high profile international investment summit, Egypt The Future: Egypt … Continue reading

In Boost For al-Sisi, Gulf Nations Pledge $12 Billion In Aid To Egypt

Three Gulf Arab allies have pledged a further $12 billion of investments and central bank deposits to Egypt on Friday during the first day of its international summit, Egypt The Future: Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC), in a big boost to President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi as he works to reform the economy following years of political upheaval. The new pledge of investment adds to the total … Continue reading

Russia, Egypt Agree To Sign Deal On Military Cooperation

Russia and Egypt have agreed to sign an agreement on military cooperation that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said will define the expanding bilateral defense relations between the two nations “for years to come”, Russian news agencies reported on Tuesday. The agreement will “determine the vector of our military cooperation for years to come,” Shoigu said. “The parties agreed to continue the … Continue reading

Putin And The Mideast’s Middleman: Egypt’s Strategic Game

By Andrew Korybko The Russian President’s visit last week to Egypt signified that both countries are eager to restore the closeness of their former Nasser-era ties. The deepening partnership between the two has the possibility to qualitatively transform the region, with the ‘Arab Yugoslavia’ serving as a conduit for advancing Russian interests at the expense … Continue reading

Sisi Promises Investment Opportunities For Economic Summit Guests

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has promised several investment opportunities for potential participants at the major economic summit. Egypt will host the event in March to attract investors and is expected to present its economic strategy (investment options) to a top tier group of world leaders and business figures. The conference is scheduled for 13-15 March in Sharm … Continue reading

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