By Takis Fotopoulos It is generally acceptable today, (at least among all those not belonging to the academic and media network of the TE –i.e. the Transnational Elite, which consists. mainly, of the elites based in the G7 countries– and the fellow travellers in the liberal “Left” and the Russian elite, that is, “the fifth … Continue reading
By The Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin For almost two years, by combining various points of view (speculative, geopolitical, technological, economic, strategic, and monetary…), we have continued to anticipate a major crisis in the entire oil sector. Today, no one doubts the fact that we are actually at that point, and the GEAB (Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin) must … Continue reading
By Rick Harper, Head of Fixed Income & Currency WisdomTree In October’s presidential elections, the people of Brazil voted for the status quo when they re-elected Dilma Rousseff. Since then, markets have cast their votes as well. With growth continuing to slow, prices remaining stubbornly high and corruption investigations dominating the headlines, many investors have … Continue reading