Currencies, Emerging Markets, Metals

One Reason Why The Price Of Gold Could Be Set To Go Ballistic — China

China Gold4

We’ve watched the Federal Reserve provide 16 trillion dollars for bailing out banks, foreign governments, and essentially the entire global debt system. We are on the verge of an epic currency crisis, one that could create the largest bubble we’ve seen in human history.

Over the last 5 years we have seen China and Russia stockpile massive amounts of gold, and China is set to have a direct impact on pricing gold in world markets.

When China admits to owning 5 times as much gold than what they have recently reported — and the world accounts for their huge mine and gold property acquisitions — the price of gold will go absolutely ballistic, with a repricing level that could reach $10,000 per ounce or higher, according to Future Money Trends, which has also been predicted by Jim Rickards – economist, investor, and ex-CIA Advisor.

Signs are already showing that a massive move into gold has already started.

Could the price of gold be set to rocket?

Here is a video from Future Money Trends on why they believe that the answer is yes.

Source: Future Money Trends



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